Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tartan Tuesday


  1. A handsome couple for sure! Thank you for the early morning smile.

  2. Awwww too cute! Gosh her face hasnt changed much! She looks exactly the same but with long hair!

  3. What a sweet photo! Sometimes kids look so different from their baby photos, but your darling girl looks so much the same! I'll always treasure those Christmas outfits that my daughter wore, with the patent leather shoes and white stockings.

  4. Cute as a button! They grow up in the blink of an eye. Enjoy the tween years, and hold on to your Belgians because the teen years will keep you hopping. I know. I'm in the middle of those wonder years with my lovely fourteen year old daughter. That said, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

  5. Anonymous English FemaleApril 20, 2010 at 3:49 PM

    ADG - LFG is beyond gorgeous and is growing up to be even more beyond gorgeous -helped by her great Daddy.

  6. LFG is adorable. Looks like a Rudolf on the bottom and maybe the big MR.C?

    That being said, I think you’re in the clear with the Tartan Tuesday Theme. I did not see any comments from LBT.


  7. TWJ...Yep...it's a BIG RUDOLPH logo!
