Friday, August 27, 2010

Pinned Collars: An Elegant Solution to an Irrelevant Problem

I love the fact that something as benign as a collar pin, coupled with my typical inflammatory embellishments and pseudo-fictional back stories can incite such responses. So I’ve re-crafted my previous post to accommodate opposing points of view.  Come on…I live seven miles from Capitol Hill…I can flip-flop on issues with the best of them. Here’s my redo…

Well crafted collars are lovely without any type of anchoring adjunct. 
A well cut shirt with a proper collar need not be encumbered with any hardware to augment, or in some opinions detract, from its posture. 
Add a well tied, precisely dimpled tie and you’ve got a sartorially winning combination. However, for those who are interested in heightening the visual interest of a well tied-properly dimpled tie and the relationship with the collar it visits, you might consider a collar pin. Pin-through collars manifest a tighter, more precise anchoring. Slide on collar bars are just as swell. 
But remember a collar and tie unrestrained is sublime.

Onward. To LFG's elementary school new academic year orientation...sans the still in Florida LFG.

ADG. Still Woofing.


  1. Your absence last evening did not go unrecognized, but we concurred that a brunch is in order soon. It appears that you've already broached the fall wardrobe anyhow, so perhaps a Farewell to Summer was unnecessary. I promptly deposited my white dress and my seersucker jacket in the dry clean bag. Feeling liberated already - bring on the tweed!

  2. Well played. A discourse on tie safety pins next, please


  3. That is just the prettiest little get up I have ever seen you wear but I haven't been a visitor to your blog for long. The hand stitched vest and lovely pocket square ...........mmmmmmm.

    VogueOntheRange, Farewell to Summer, indeed!


  4. Could you please clarify on the significance of vests with lapels - versus vests without lapels, pretty please. I never thought about it until just now.

  5. Anonymous English FemaleAugust 27, 2010 at 11:36 AM

    Sorry, ADG, still don't get it. '..heightening the visual interest of a well tied-properly dimpled tie..': So what's wrong with looking at your face??

  6. How courteous of you to submit a rebuttal for the sake of readers who don't quite get the classic gold-pinned collar. My dad wore that same pin, so I grew up with it being the norm. I love to see a beautiful tie making a perfect arc over the pin, then settling down a little farther down the wearer's chest. I covet your collared vest, wearable art. Here's to a wonderful weekend as you welcome your beautiful LFG back home.

  7. I say forget the pin; hell, forget the tie! With a winning tattersall waistcoat you can just go open collar.

  8. SF BayArea - Hands Off.
    ADG - there are two men pictured in this post, one is Cary Grant and the other might be you. Which is which?

  9. Gail, in northern CaliforniaAugust 27, 2010 at 10:00 PM

    Looks like your little golden-hair peeking over your shoulder in the last photo.
    New school-year orientation. As she enters fourth grade? Let us know how that goes. Hopefully, you'll be suitably impressed with her teacher.
    It's fun for all of us, watching her grow and kind of you to share your little golden-hair.

  10. Gail...thanks. Fifth grade for LFG and I cannot believe it. Went to orientation yesterday while the little monkey remains in Florida. What a life.

    FemaleAdmirer...your more full of sh_t than a guy. But thanks anyway.

    DeathBredmon...I rarely wear that waistcoat but I like it.

    Richard M. ...thanks.

    FloIngram....well put! And thanks.'s obvious that you are short on things to look at.

    LimeGreenGal...vests with lapels are cooler. And look nicer...jauntier....fuzzier....dicey-er-ish.



    Vogue...Cannot believe I forgot about the party. Was literally sitting at home when I got the text from our boy.

  11. Nice vest - you are such a natty dresser. It would look great on a plot at Fall Gold Cup. Get ready - you can't miss that one and it's suitable for LFG to attend as well. Giddy Up!
