Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sartorial Pediatrics: It’s Never Too Soon to Trad

The road to hell is indeed paved with good intentions. My friends’ little fella was born almost a year ago and LFG and I had yet to lay eyes on him. Tell me please, that I’m not unique. Lie to me if necessary but tell me that you too, see day-to-day life, schedules, travel and parenting as legitimate excuses to have months go by without seeing people. People that you care about. People that don’t live a thousand miles away. People who are literally, fifteen minutes down the road.
Ok, enough of my equivocating. Two Sundays ago LFG and I called on this lovely little man. But before the debut of said little man, we had a stop or two to make. The Gap Outlet in Old Town is the best. You’ve heard my perspective on this before. I love nice clothes and I rationalize absurd amounts of dosh for my personal goods. But while young’uns are still growing…it’s Outlet time.

LFG is now to the point where it’s best that she and her mom do most of the advanced level clothing gets. I was a pro at it when she still toddled. Those little smock type dresses are a hit on little gals up till around age six or seven. And if you are too big by one size, it still works. But those days with LFG are over.
Boy’s clothes? Trad gear? We had a blast gathering up goods for our little fella. Cargo shorts and board britches. All a bit large but he'll be just the right size for this loot in the spring.
Blue shirts-khaki pants. I'd say that's the Trad Uniform no? And we've even got a sleeve placket button. Shut up.
The shirt...with crotch snaps...kinda like a "trad onesie" right? I wonder if Charvet will do some of these for me.

 And speaking of Pediatric Trad Gear. Crew Cuts has gone over the top with their piccolo versions of some classics. Dig the pediatric Blunnies... the mini-Jack Purcells...the bebe Quoddy mocs and the enfant Chukkas. There’s a problem here though. The stuff is pricey and kids grow.
And here we have a little ADG outfit. Horizontal socks, khakis and chukkas with a fuzzy dice shoe strings. Shut up.
Clothes are one thing but toys that make noise…an absolute necessity. Tonka construction equipment…a no brainer. But this one shakes and makes noise and we were tentative regarding whether or not he’d be scared of it. LFG got a mechanized dancing bear when she was about the same age. She freaked. 
No worries here. Our little man loved his machine. You need to imagine these pictures with the Tonka front end loader idling en bravado-vibradacious while making all kinds of noises. Funny.

There are so many good pictures of this scene that I can't cull them. So here you go...
We’ll be sure to keep his trad togs and heavy equipment needs fulfilled from now on.

Onward. Reveling in toddler visits. And super-reveling in being able to leave them when they get cranky. 
Oh, and onward avec Nantucket Oranges and dark loden Belgians.
Nantucket Oranges you ask? Yep. Can't believe that you of all people haven't been in the know on this one. If you don't think orange is the new red, just axk Reggie.



  1. Oh the babyflesh. Oh the babyflesh. Oh the babyflesh. I want to bite his chubby little feeties. Gently. Right. Done.

    Very happy to see you and Mr. Darling making a productive acquaintance.

  2. Seriously, I thought it was Nassau Orange as in William of Orange.

  3. LPC...Prunella...Baby flesh indeed. We went swimming with him a bit later and I got to play with him in the pool. It was sublime for all the obvious reasons but also, he was happy and funny and not cranky. Had my marriage been successful and had we been able to conceive earlier on,I'd have been happiest with a house full of them.

    Anonymous...Please. I'll define Orange for the world...ok. It ain't Clemson, Princeton, Tennessee, Nassau or William.

  4. i love the pics. LFG and the little boy look so happy together.

    I am liking the new belgians and the new belt.

  5. So how much did you have to bribe the Crew Cuts stylist to showcase that mini ADG outfit in their catalogue?
    PS- It's not Nantucket Orange, it's ORIOLE Orange.

  6. Totally agree about Crew Cuts- but it's great stuff.
    RL is launching a new offensive (pardon the pun) for his kid stuff now also. Again mucho dinero and waaaay too many logos. (The kid will be a brand whore for sure.) But some amazing miniature versions of classics- a camel hair sport coat for $350- just the thing to slobber over.

  7. A wonderful post on many levels but feel compelled to add that from personal experience there is no quicker way to assure the rejection of trad look (or any other parental fashion statements)as soon as freedom of choice enters the sartorial equation...

  8. A followup comment from Anonymous: JUST as I posted my last comment I saw this RL Gang Storybook posted on the NYT today

    Beyond the Outlet price point but where does this all end?

  9. Indeed, it's the friends in closest proximity that I often miss seeing the most.

    And my CHW went to 5th grade today with the same zig-zag stripe top (only brown and white) like LFG...


  10. Awww I love the outfit picks! I just sent my son to school in LillyP overalls and a white t-shirt :O)

  11. Anonymous English FemaleAugust 19, 2010 at 9:39 AM

    ADG - Scary. Straying far too far into Mini-Me territory. We see them everywhere; mini-Park Avenue Princesses, mini-hipsters, mini-gangstas, mini-hookers. What's wrong with Petit Bateau rompers and sailor suits? I don't have children but that's how I dress my cat.

  12. Cargo shorts? I thought those were tres trash in your book.

  13. I love the photo with his head in the shovel of the front end loader "if I only look closer, I'm sure I'll see where that noise is coming from....."

    Orange is the new pink!

  14. Cargo shorts are ok on little people. LFG got the brown zig zaggy top too...they were nine bucks...we splurged. Orange is the new pink...I like it. AEF...what cat?

  15. BTW, Hickey Freeman makes little boy wear too. For weddings, bar mitzvahs, Thanksgivings with Grandma, and all the other interminable events that scour a little guy's soul.

  16. Gail, in northern CaliforniaAugust 19, 2010 at 7:18 PM

    How lovely that you shared such a special occasion with your little golden-haired girl, but of course, that's the way you are.

    I've often wondered why it is that if you spend some time with a child when they are a baby, they are extra-special forevermore. I'm glad you spent some time with this charmer.
