Wednesday, September 1, 2010

C'était un Rendez-vous…

Cars, clothes, girls…just three of the basic, earthly, temporal food groups. I offer no apology for loving the hell out of all three. This clip involves two of them. Don’t watch it until you have ten uninterrupted minutes-and maybe another two or three to adjust your knickers.

Onward. In a ten year old Saab convertible...with 130k miles on it...hoping for another 70.

ADG sans LFG. Hell sans anyone.


  1. Yeah, that one IS a classic...I've been grooving on old Silver Flag Hillclimb footage lately. Good stuff.

  2. I was riding my stationary bike while watching that and found myself peddling faster...and faster.......and........

  3. Magnifique. There are few pleasures as exhilarating as tearing up near-empty city streets in the small hours with such reckless abandon. Especially to pick up a young sylph, with whom to stave off more sleep

    The sylphs aside, I've been doing a lot if this in Accra lately



  4. Not that proof was necessary, but that testosterone blast screams how much that daughter of yours needs to get with her Dad, here's hoping she's yours for the long weekend ahead. One post per day, please and thank you, with lots of photos. Take her down to the Torpedo Factory, is it still there?

  5. Now that is a post that needs to come with a warning label! Dang.

    Having been told on more than one occasion that I am an "agressive" driver, and having to be boringly safe now that I have children that was like crack to an addict. Thanks.

    Hoping you can see LFG this weekend.

  6. The driver must have had a custom seat installed to accommodate his oversized stones! Blasting through all of those red lights any time of day is almost guaranteed manslaughter or suicide! Have a great weekend. Dave

  7. Littoral....I LOVE watching that clip. I would however, beg to be let out of the car if I was a passenger. I peed a little bit when I first watched it. And I'm not even a girl.

    SouthernProl...I'll see LFG for part of the weekend. Long overdue.

    Flo...I have a J-O-B. I can't do a post every day. Yes, the Torpedo Factory is here and better than ever.

    Barima...I'm scared for Accra.

    AnonStaioneryBike...I've turned your bike into writing paper. Damn.

    T...all those clips are great no?

    LisaoftheLightlyGo...NO we can't go again. Who's gonna buy the petrol?

    Laguna...sometimes the "f" word is the only choice for making a point and this is one of them.

  8. Confusion, so sorry: I meant one-post-per-day over the weekend if that lovely child was going to be with you. [NOTE: Your readers suffer LFG deprivation too. She's been gone so long zany bandz may be over and done with.] Ok, now I see the pleasure of her company is "for part of the weekend." Enjoy.

  9. I thought you were getting a new car??

  10. Well, that is one way to see Paris!

  11. I don't think that was filmed from the inside of a Citreon CV2...? A girl? I was sure it was for the arrival of the new Beaujolais.

  12. The new Fiat 500 will be available for sale in the U.S. by the end of the year.
    I'm curious how it will compare to the Mini. You should consider it for LFG.


  13. DO you watch Top Gear on BBC? They do stuff like this. It's hilarious. I think that this must have been shot at 6:00 a.m. on a Sunday.

  14. Anonymous English FemaleSeptember 2, 2010 at 10:35 PM

    Pshaw. Boys toys. He's probably riding a Vespa with a hole in its exhaust.

  15. Barima.

    You take my breath away.

  16. AnonEng...It was a Mercedes with Ferrari gear pattern audio dubbed in.

    MegTown...I AM Top Gear.

    Hilton...I got the Restored Moveable Feast yesterday. Thanks for the tip.

    OldPolo...Be nice Mr. Freedom Fries.

    ScaleWorm...I wouldn't have seen a thing.

    Kathy...we were but I'm gonna try to keep this one going for a while longer!

  17. OMG-that's me in the morning, trying to get to school on time with the kids saying faster, faster, we;re really late! Man, may my Saab RIP--two months gone now and rue be the day I had to put it to rest. Sigh. Whomever said parents need practical cars is the same one who also believes colonials on a cul de sac is ne plus ultra in residential living. Thank you for a great ride!
