Friday, October 22, 2010

A Patriotic Mess

It didn’t dawn on me last Monday when I left the house that I’d essentially manifested a Fourth of July rehearsal kit. Our weather was unpredictable but it seemed that moleskin would be ok and a pair of Incotex rouge ones were yelping for release. Plus my buddy M.O. sent me a Union Jack pocket square that I’d been hankering to wear so Britannia and Italy fostered my patriotic boondoggle.
The classic tattersall is getting harder and harder to find. Don’t get me wrong, you can still find them but they all seem to be fiddled-with in some way. Brown buttons or some funky-ass pocket treatment or whatever. I couldn’t even score one in London during my last visit. But you can bespeak them if you wanna. And I wanna-ed so I threw redneck all over this one. This one-by the way-being 80 cotton 20 wool and very, very fuzzy. And we've gotta do something about this white chest hair. I'm open to suggestions...from girls only. Shut up.
Incotex. Nice enough trousers but I wouldn’t pay retail for a pair of them on a bet. I don’t need trousers that nice. Specially with so many women tugging at them. These tuggables are about fifteen years old by the way. Tug on—tug off—tug on—tug off. Shut the ____.
I never intended for the Hoof Pick belt to be a seasonal thing but it’s become one. And it’s back…happily.
There’s tons of good news in this photo but what I’d like to point out is that the iPhone 4g now has Paul Frank covers that fit. I had to sacrifice, much to LFGs frustration, my old Paul Frank cover when we switched to the 4g. LFG located this one for me. A new monkey from my Monkey. And trust me when I tell you that the day Verizon has access to the iPhone 4g, I’m dropping AT&T like a bad habit.
Onward. Manifesting a patriotic mess over here.



  1. I’d say ‘nice socks’, but you aren’t wearing any :)

  2. I can only speak to the telephone. AT&T, the chickens will come home to roost...

  3. LPC...Prunella,I've always respected karma. We shall see, At&T wise. it still 100% down there? I'll be in Jacksonville in December.

    Lisa...I don't wear socks on Monday. It's a holdover from my Mormon days.

  4. I so love those red trousers. Where can I order a pair for my beau?

  5. The white chest hair looks great with the fancy pants! Work it ADG! You always do. There is so much goodness in this post. Rouge pants. Pocket squares and the blue, blanche, rouge all in one fell outfit. Perfecto!

  6. You need a feather Yankee Doodle!

  7. I'm not sure how you pulled this off, but you did.

    I would have thought you'd be run up a flag pole, but instead you've made all these energetic pieces correspond as naturally as autumn leaves.

    I see that everything is in the same three colors, and that quality speaks to quality, and that confidence and humor carry the day...

    STILL, it's red, white, and blue (!), and you have velvety slim-line femme boy trousers with a double-breasted jacket, and shoes that don't look like you're going for the captain of the yatch thing ...

    I don't know... Whatever "it" is, you have it, Mister.

  8. BlueMan...eggzackly! And the next time I wear that getup, I shall have a feather to accompany the boondoggle. Yankee Doodle...George M. Cohan. I just channeled my third grade chorus recital. Damn.

    Nelle...Stop it or I'm gonna have to send you a check.

    Fogey..."Pimp-rific" ...I'll be using that in a sentence today. Butcept I'm with LFG and I'll have to 'splain to her what it means. So I'll prolly wait till Monday.

    Belle...these are fifteen years old and I'm not sure if anyone is offering a deep-red moleskin these days.

  9. Ugh! Another creepy monkey.

    I hope this isn't some bad juju omen.

  10. ADG ~ That's an exquisite tattersall shirting ol' chum (BFF). The patriotic British colour configuration is much appreciated. Cheers.

    Belle biv DeVoe ~ For authentic red trousers you might have to try the Old Country. I do believe New & Lingwood stock them, as do Oliver Brown in London.

  11. Laguna...yep, London is where these Italian Incotex ones came from but alas, even the Mother Country seems to fall a bit short on guaranteeing availability of some of the standards. Ie ... no tattersal shirts when I last visited.

  12. That looks like a "jeans" pocket on your moleskins, were those pants marketed as moleskin jeans? Now here's what I'd call a moleskin trouser as opposed to the jeans-style you're sporting:

  13. Humidity is down a bit... temps have moderated somewhat - but next weeks forecast says the heat is on!

    December should be better - I'll post a weather report then.

  14. For the life of me I can't figure out how you are paying tribute to Italy as I don't see a bit of green in that snazzy outfit. France, yes, Britannia, yes, USA, yes, but not Italy.
    (And I am about to get a Droid so I will let you know what I think of it so then you can get rid of ATT and switch to Verizon.)

  15. Anonymous English FemaleOctober 23, 2010 at 8:48 PM

    ADG - Is that the Thomas Mahon blazer you're ruining the line of by shoving your hand in your pocket?

  16. "For the life of me I can't figure out how you are paying tribute to Italy"

    His chest hair resembles cappellini?

  17. The trousers are Italian company.

  18. Incotex - do they specialize in man made fabrics?

  19. This is totally off point but I think of it at the oddest times and never remember to ask. We have a friend, our oldest and dearest really, TAG, formerly of Hartsville. Not awfully far from your hometown. Parents still there...Aubrey and Dot G. Wondered if there was any family connection.

  20. Very nice, and I adore classic tattersall...lokking great!

    Art by Karena

  21. Never too much red, white, and blue for me. It's "almost" right up there with Pink/Green. I'll never own an i-Phone as long as AT&T is the Master of the Apple Universe. I'm picky. I like to get service any where and everywhere. AT&T just doesn't do it for me. I'm Verizon loyal. :-) Hope you had a great weekend. Family was in, so mine was stellar. xoxo

  22. Karena...thanks.

    Pants Police...Incotex...Italian...specializing in finiky, persnickety, expensive shite.

    AnonEng...the blazer? Men's Wearhouse.

    Flo...I'm wrapping this feedback in love but I gotta tell you baby, you are out of your element re assigning my trouser to a five pocket-blue jean construct. It's a moleskin trouser with top pockets. Nothing more nothing less.

  23. Preppy 101...glad you had a great weekend. AT&T sucks badly.

    Belle...nope. No connection!

  24. I think I need to start receiving residual checks every time you don that sh** pick belt...XXOO

  25. "Incotex...Italian...specializing in finiky, persnickety, expensive shite."

    And we've already established that if we can't appreciate "self-absorbed,narcissistic shit",the terrorists have won.

    Check out the Incotex site, Pants Police, their duds are quite the yummy eye candy.

  26. What was the name of the joint in Old Town that you recommended for a gin and tonic? I was drinking cognac with a lady in O'Connell's on Saturday night and your blog did come up in conversation.

    Also, where may one go about finding a lady that can hold drink for Christ's sake? Thank you, sir.

  27. ::She genuflects::

    Woe, I have pierecd my brother's pride with a rusty pick hook, but am duly chastened. I know teaching moral improvement hurts you more than it does me, so I will try to do better talking about eye-tallion pants that have a jeans pocket on them whether you call em top pockets or not. If I may say, don't spill The Reverend down those pants like I did when I first opened my Rev. Marvin Hot Sauce, I was too excited to get it open and somehow I just made a terrible mess, and might I share with your reader that the Reverend's Hot Sauce is pure religion. I bypassed Original and went straight for Hot. We LOVE it here, it's been all over everydamnthing we've eaten since last week when the 2 bottles of Hot arrived in the mail. One bottle is GONE.

  28. Allie, ADG's probably saving those residual checks to buy himself a sh** pick belt in black!

  29. Hilton, I'm thinking that if you are drinking a decent cognac, your school days are probably long past? Are you dating age-appropriately? Some of my, ahem, *middle-aged* students have noted the inability to "hold drink" when they date in the very low age range. And, ADG, I LOVE that shirt!

  30. Well, we're kind of a big messy country, with quite a lot of GTH attitude, so I'd say your outfit was spot on

  31. NCJack...thanks man.

    yoga teacher...thanks and please, be gentle with your dating observations and speculations. It's tough out there in the grown people dating world. That's why I've given it up.

    LimeGreenerishnessOne....I DON'T WEAR BLACK.

    Flo...yes the hot is THE way to go. Good stuff.

    Hilton...O'Connells used to be Bullfeathers twenty years ago and it was good for an occasional tipple or two. But then again, I was twenty years younger. It all seems a bit too noisy for me these days. Old Town is a bit devoid a civilized place for a quiet cocktail. Restaurant Eve has a stellar bar but the surly pretense is guaranteed. I like the bar and the bar menu at The Majestic.

    As for women who can hold their drink, I'll have to get back to you on that.

    AllieSummersMasonicHangerOn....ok, I'll send you a dollah!

  32. Incotex. What's the verdict?

    Bullfeathers... oh yeah! Remember when the former SAS guy got busted there in some sort of pre-Revolution planning?

  33. Um, ADG, I am older than you are! For some reason, a lot of people confuse "yoga teacher" with "therapist." Sometimes I get way TMI. Especially of the interrelational realm. Double especially of the intergenerational interrelational realm.

  34. Whoa, Bullfeathers changed hands? I've been away too long! I expect the bar/restaurant at the river end of King St to change regularly, but Bullfeathers was that steadfast/meh bar one always assumed would just "be" there, badly, ad infinitum. Bollocks on that, though. As for womenfolk who can hold their drink, it depends on the drink as well as the company, perhaps, less than the age, although those of us who actually remember when Washington had a split drinking age for "liquor" versus "light drinks" (what a stupid idea that was. Geez! Just drink more!) prefer quality to quantity these days, I'd say. And COME ON, ADG. Given up dating? No more Match Don'ts Posts???? Quel Horreur!! Never give up hope...(of course, this is advice from someone who's motto's become "Dates? Those are some kind of exotic fruit, right?")

  35. Cool pants, but I agree about the (over)price. 'Bout time to bring out the hoof-pick down 'round these parts, too.

  36. Love the clothes....but more than anything would love one of those Belts no tell a lie one in brown & one in black
