Friday, November 26, 2010

Masonic Slippers

A page from a needlepoint pattern book circa late 19th century.  Freemasonry is rich with symbolism and a few icons are included here. The working tools of a Master Mason as well as the eye of the Grand Geometer of the Universe.
The apron is configured as a 3rd Degree Mason would wear it upon entering the Blue Lodge. Entered Apprentices and Fellowcraft brothers would wear the same apron but would configure it according to their current finished degree. I can’t tell you anything else or you know…I’d have to kill all y’all…and I’m not keen on killin’. “Keen on Killin’”…LFG and I remain in S.C. and for some reason…influenced by current proxemics and my redneck antecedents; “Keen on Killin’” sounds right to my ears this morning.

Ok, I digress. Surprising I back to the slippers. I want someone to needlepoint these for me. So let’s get with the program and come up with someone who can do the job. I’d want to make a couple of changes to the design as well as opt for a color other than red. But we can work out the details later. And what’s in it for the laborer? I’ll teach you one half of one of the seventeen secret handshakes that must be sequentially consummated in order to successfully enter the Blue Lodge.

Onward. With LFG…in Florence S.C. … turkey laden.

ADG, II  - Master Mason
 Ps…Speaking of shoddings…Dig these babies that LFG snagged when we rolled in to S.C. She’s her father’s daughter…fuzzy—fuzzy—fuzzy … shut up. 


  1. Just wait until LFG finds the "Design your own Converse" site! My kiddo usually has a couple of designs on file, all ready to go for the next gift-giving occasion.

  2. Being a 'neck, you'll appreciate our Thanksgiving weather in North Mississippi. A whopping 75 degrees, only to wake up the following day at 29 with a high of 45. Unfortunately, I'll have to put up the jhorts and crocs if we hit up the mall later today.

  3. LOVE her shoes! My daughter is mourning the fact that her sparkly Chuck Taylors no longer fit. Perhaps Santa will need to bring her a pair similar to LFG's. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Mr. and Miss Adorable. A few clicks on Google has produced what looks to be a pretty good local source for those slippers. But first, since I'm Keen on Kilims, might I trade the handshakes for that chaise? Take a look at in Falls Church, heck you've got the pattern so you're 3/4 there, the work might end up being petitpoint, tighter stitch than needlepoint. They're gonna be gorgeous.

  5. I once put out hint after hint about wanting a needlepoint belt, but to no avail. I finally just made one myowndamnself. Maybe I should have appealed to the interweb. Good luck.


  6. i think that your cousin, allievanderneedlepointqueen, could whip these up for you in a heartbeat.

  7. If all else fails, I would think that your shirt supplier in Hong Kong could source them out as a last resort. Capitalism at its finest and the handshakes would remain secret.

    Although I seem to recall a few posts back something about a needlepoint kit and a christmas gift for a certain curly headed girl. Give her a few years and she might make them for you. Then they would be really special.

  8. Nothing would give me greater pleasure. I might need to get through the holidays first, but am happy to offer my low-skilled self for the job.

  9. Bro. ADG. Masonic greetings and Happy Tranksgiving. You should reexamine the configuration of the symbols. It is the first degree not the third. My obligations prevents me from further explanation, Just check the points
    Happy traveling, Brother.

  10. Easy peasy. Just gotta find someone like myself who can needlepoint to count from a picture pattern. If you don't own that book you pilfered this from, either buy it or zerox the pages to give your slave labor. I'd do it but, I don't think my other boyfriend would approve. Now this is why I done toll ya to start training LFG in the art of needlework last year...XXOO

  11. I'm not much for needlepointing but SOMEWHERE I do have a pattern for knit slippers. And the Masonic emblem could be adapted to mittens AND a hat.

  12. I have to admit. I stumbled on to your blog by accident awhile back. Needless to say it has become one of my favorites.

    Even more so now that I know you are also a Traveling Man...

    Travel Light Brother ADG

  13. Atticus/Hiero...and to you as well...On The Square.

    LimeGreenie...well start knitting then.

    AllieVonNineMileShow-off...You do one and Mr. Dr. Baby can do the other'n.

    Hiram...I saw it immediately as soon as I looked again. Good catch.

    Mrs. are too kind.

    MegTown...she could but she won't.

    Scott...I might have to do these myowndamnself. don't want the chaise. Too many things have occurred on it. Friction, remember, can be your friend.

    JMW...Thanks. I'd say go online and let her create her own but they are 65 bucks a go.

    SouthernProle...I'll have to axk LFG if she's up for the task.

    Nolan...yep, the temp swings down here are typical. I've carried a knife with me every day.

    YogaLady...we've found the site. I wouldn't mind paying 65 bucks for a shoe if her foot wasn't still growin'!

  14. There's something about that pattern I find creepy. But I'm facing many voices of disgust over my TGiving country ham so maybe you gotta grow up with it.

    I'm guessing Shipton and Henage had to have done Masons in the past. If so, you can probably save beau coup time and dough. Do you chant around a slat pentagram?

  15. Freemasonry. One of the few men's organizations left--almost all the rest have been destroyed by the entry of women through the abomination of the Incorporation Doctrine (what part of "Congress shall make no law... prohibiting... the right of the people peaceably to assemble" means "Congress shall require the people to open private organizations to any-durn-body who wants in"?)

    Which is not to denigrate women (duh), but to lament the paucity of venues for men to be men with other men.

    Well, be that as it may, doityerself is a great idea--when you have the time and talent. I've been daydreaming about sewing my own pants, but think I'm going to have to ask wifeypoo to do it--when Smallest Child is not quite so small.

    Good luck on increasing your already-impressive collection of gaudy shoddings!

  16. Anonymous English FemaleNovember 27, 2010 at 8:03 PM

    Young Fogey- hear, hear. I think it behoves women to allow and encourage places for men to be men with other men. I believe in equality but also believe the distinctions between male and female are to be appreciated, tolerated and allowed to co-exist for mutual benefit.
    ADG - follow yoga teacher's lead and go online and design yourself some Masonic Converse - quicker and cheaper than needlepoint slippers...

  17. AnonEngFem...thanks for backing Fogey up. I had to pass on a couple of comments that were a bit inflammatory.

    Young Fogey...I'm with you. The Junior League declined my affiliation request--I got over it. I did kick ass selling Mary Kay cosmetics one year.

    Tintang...thanks. I've received some other leads in addition to Shipton. Matter of fackly, one of the makers suggested to me prolly makes for Shipton. And no, we don't chant and walk around pentagram. Leastways not with out clothes on. Hope you enjoyed the spiral cut ham and the 2 liter Mountain Dew.

  18. If you get a clip-art version then that slipper outfit that Let the Tide girl posted will do them custom.
    They will be remarkable regardless of who and how they are produced...
    My Associate is a Mason and he keeps "rushing" me...but I'll join no Club that does not feature a full Bar.

  19. Anonymous English FemaleNovember 28, 2010 at 3:38 PM

    Oh go on, ADG - a bit of subversive socio-political discourse is exactly what this blog needs now Tintin's raised the bar. Ham for Thanksgiving??! Outrageous!! And I'm not even American...

  20. I can needlepoint (and sew) like nobody's business: rugs, pillows. belts etc AND shoes but I doubt that you can afford me. Keep looking, upward and onward. Needlepoint is like sewing, I love it but would soon learn to hate it if having to do it as something other than an act of love – make no mistake, I can not be bought. That's the exact reason I resigned from the interior design program at college. I realized that I really didn't give a damn about other people's window treatments/furniture and that once out the door, they’d bring out their Precious Moments collection and give me the credit for their “decoration”. Too much and I couldn’t handle it! Good luck.

  21. Lisa...I've always speculated regarding when it would be found out and now you've gone and done it. Precious in the world did you know?

    AnonEngFem...Tintin ain't raised nothin'--literally.

    MainLiner...I'll have to check out the Tide Gal

  22. Always happy to rake the muck and stir the hornets' nest.

    I still haven't gotten over being rejected by the girl's softball team in high school (everyone says I throw like a girl, so I thought...), and my mother's sorority in college. Now to try the DAR, which my grandmother was a member of.
