Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Slipper Update

I’ve seen enough slipperings lately to take notice of unique and fuzzy efforts…worthy of a brief update. Stubbs is back on its game but the price points are silly for the quality. Del Toro could become a formidable competitor but those boys are too young to realize that their inconsistent service and their hiccup laden supply chain processes are gonna be their downfall if they piss off too many customers. Stay tuned for how my experience plays out with them. 
So I’ve throwed together a few pictures for you. I also found a display of Churchill’s slippers and one of his siren suits.
I’m gonna do a Winnie Siren Suit story someday…right after the one on Campaign Furniture. The slips below were once the property of Sir Hogg Wilde. And here’s what I said about slipperdom sometime last year….
“While Belgians will simply giggle at you, causing you to become a bit nervous and self conscious, slippers will howl, cackle, hoot, cat-call and seriously…they’ll call some  good ole boy to come over and just whip your ascot. This slipper business is not for the faint of heart or the sexually ambiguous. On second thought, they may be just the thing for guys who haven’t yet sorted themselves out.”

Almost makes me want to live in a drafty old house so that I could actually rationalize wearing them. And no, I don’t like show tunes.




  1. I love the hunter jumper slippers! Keep us posted on your Del Toro experience. Have a happy holiday! xx

  2. So what do you think about Tom's?

  3. Tideone...indeed I will.

    LPC...I love TOMS but mostly for Blake's business model. I have one pair and LFG has several. I spent time with LFG at the TOMS website and helped her understand what the whole idea was about. We watched video clips of kids getting shoes. She was plenty proud to tell others about shoes for kids who REALLY need them. That's a good strategy.

  4. so which slippers go with raggedly jeans? The homeless trad crowd wants to know...

  5. All this from the guy who devotes several paragraphs to denigrating the defenseless beefroll! You bully!
    I for one am still anxiously awaiting the Campaign Furniture tour du force!

  6. I do live in a drafty old house (pier & beam), and use that as an excuse to wear UGGS as slippers. Sometimes I wear my slippers to work, too. But I wouldn't mind having a pair of the Stubbs & Wooten with the bee on them for dressy slipper days! (This is really yoga teacher, but my daughter didn't change Google back to me.)

  7. Yoga...Yeah but your drafty house is in Texas and it ain't eggzackly chili where you are baby! I got married in the Stubbs bumble bees so DON'T get them. They are tainted.

    MainLiner...the Campaign furniture story will be a good one but I gotta find the time to do something more than a superficial gander at some pictures. As for the beefrolls...naaahhhh.

    SouthernProle...if you've got the you know what's to wear them, then any of them go with raggedy jeans!

  8. There's nothing sexually ambiguous about the tartan, plaid, and tweed slippers.

    They are sleekly manly-man all the way.

  9. Slippers. Doesn't the word say it all? They are strictly for in-home consumption. Wear whatever all y'-dang-all please! Though I can't see any of these pleasing ADG--none of them have tassels, nor are they in day-glo colors. He couldn't shock, much less stun, small animals in any of those shoddings.

    If anyone in yer own dang home is wondering whether or not you're a wee light in the loafers, you're in trouble, buddy.

  10. Brace thyself:;Apparel_KilimShoes

    [from:;Apparel_KilimShoes ]

  11. Awesome post ol' chum. I've submitted a new slipper order already and am considering another.

    My take is, slippers are entirely appropriate for chaps who have already sorted themselves out and who are totally confident in their sexual abilities and in their ability to take down the ladies (or men, as the case may be).

    It is the sexually ambiguous, I think, who remain shaken by the thought of slippers, avoid them at all cost, and remain dedicated to more obviously 'macho' offerings such as cordovan (the thicker the better).

  12. LagaunMon...have a Merry Christmas wherever you go to escape the SouCal rain. Based on your thoughts, I'm supposing I'll order another pair of slippers and discard my cordovans.

    Flo...I'm not gonna look.

    YoungFogey. Merry Christmas. Fear not, I've ordered a pair of orange quilted ones. And worry not...everybody in my house, meaning me, since I live alone, in a cloistered and lonely environment, knows my appetite for the girlies.


  13. so THAT'S my problem! I own the bumble bees!

  14. Flo.....I really think ADG needs a pair of those harem long as he is not also tempted to get the matching belly dance hip scarf

  15. Harem? Did someone say something about hopping in the middle of a harem?

    Amber....get rid of them. Now.

  16. Oh, and one other thing Flo, if you saw my stomach, you'd say that a hip scarf wouldn't be too bad an option. I'm still "tight" at 60.

  17. I'm SAFE!! Went to the kilim shoe site and would have bought them right then and there...on 'em like a... well you know...I say it all the time. but they start the men's sizes at nine. So I can't imbibe. I wear an eight-charming.

  18. "I'm SAFE!! Went to the kilim shoe site and would have bought them right then and there...on 'em like a... well you know...I say it all the time. but they start the men's sizes at nine. So I can't imbibe. I wear an eight-charming."

    Not saaaaafe. Check out the ladies' models and sizes, the mules and elf slips aren't quite right, but the mocs are pretty neat [although I don't think the rug selections for the ladies are as good lookin' as the rugs they put on the guy sizes. But they're not bad, in fact they're good, and sweetheart we've all seen your stomach, you've shown us thousands of photos of that "tight at 60, darn, my bad 63" stomach of yours, and it's flat and it's fine, and that ain't no accident, so get that hip scarf.]

  19. "so THAT'S my problem! I own the bumble bees!"

    "Amber....get rid of them. Now."

    What size are they, I want them, I love them. I'm a bride of one year, I'm ADG's age so I'll be dead before the bees have time to put a hex on my sweet, wonderful marriage.

  20. Unless it's a rug, I'm not really a fan. However, I certainly wouldn't be adverse to this if I found it under the tree:

  21. A Man's Man- that's strange...all my gay friends know proper English....Perhaps you should switch from the green velvet to the houndstooth. Its so much more intellectual.
    "If they put their husbands is swishy velvet slippers there is no doubt they would divorced soon as their husbands will have left them for man"

  22. So' Pro'......maybe he's French. Or Belgian !!

  23. Simmer down everybody. Simmer down. Velvet, kilim, suede,'s all good.

  24. Green velvet slippers it is then!

    I'll take my chances, Man's Man.

    Since you're gay, you are sure to have far superior taste to ADG.

  25. ADG, you are using my strategy. So many people *age* themselves downward. Don't they realize everyone then thinks they look like crap? I also say I am 60 or 63, and let them marvel at how young I look and how flexible I am. Next birthday I'm going up to 65.

  26. I like Del Toro slippers fine (I got a pair last year), but they've gone up in price about $100 in the last year or so - at the current price, it's pretty much a wash to order English slippers from Broadland (where the emroidery is done by hand). At about $150 Del Toro was a bargain - at $250, it's another slipper maker (and Broadland or Shipton or Bowhill can put in leather lining in you want). Del Toro has a wide range of embroidery but it's all machine done - I prefer the English makers for the embroidery work.

  27. Well ADG, you beat Reggie to the punch on this one, again. He's been thinking and thinking his way through his own upcoming post on velvet slippers, and now you've done this masterpiece and sent him back to the boards. Ah well, at least I still like show tunes. Reggie

  28. ADG has fine taste. As he says himself, he is gay from the ankles down. You would expect that he would mince in his sissy shoes and yet he has a jaunty, masculine stride.
    Southern Proletariat- when spewing bile and vitriol I sometimes lose my writing skills, you are correct, and I forget to proof read. My apologies. Now would you please explain to me what a proletarian is doing discussing velvet slippers? Please go back to cleaning the dust bin and eating your grits and allow the priviliged classes to discuss their priviliges.
    Next ADG is going to do an entry on the silk hose he wears with his tuxedo pumps! He not only wears them with his tuxedo but with his jeans like his idol LeDandy. Keep on swishing. ladies !!

  29. AnonymousFrench/Belgian? ... Nope. Vulgarian.
