Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sam, Cannonball and Tommy...In Straw

Cannonball is ALWAYS trouble. The boy has cost me hundreds and now he's done it again. I got this comment from him a moment ago regarding this straw hat thing that continues to brew over here....
Cannonball said...

The Greenbrier carries a nice Sam Snead so..
Ok, so I go and take a look. Thanks Cannonboy. That Snead-esque thing is as close as I'll probably ever find to what Tommy Hitchcock has on his head in the now overused photo above. But I can't help but use it again. The swagger coming from his hat is killer.
Stay tuned, in another seven days or so, my second straw topper will be here. Identical to the one above. Sixty bucks and a smidge extry for shipping.
Onward. In straw.


  1. Miller's Hats....Currently 10 minute run from Downtown Houston.Formerly known as Wormser's in Esperson Building. Don't let the sun go down on you there. Have a meal at the Avenue Grill on Houston Avenue. FYI check out the coconut that Bill Holden wore in Sabrina. Enuff said.

  2. I like it. I must show you my straw at some point; actually, The Hat Post has been percolating in my mind for some time

    I have always been tempted by the juxtaposition of a straw with warmer gear, whether it be Hitchcock or Sylvester McCoy in Doctor Who; an idiosyncrasy for the ages, maybe

    Best as always,


  3. They say a good frustrating internet search is good for cognitive flexibility in us older Americans. That's why I'm determined to find Tommy Hitchcock's exact hat. It doesn't look like an ordinary hat, it looks Spanish, he went somewhere, say South America, to also looks lovingly customized by wear and tear and a judicious just-so rolling of the outer brim. Maybe my brain will be 35 again by the time I finish this search. I want you to have the exact hat you love, no substitutes.

  4. The Tommy Hitchcock one looks like a spittoon, planter, or chamber pot. A pith helmet and excellently awkward traveling case were also on that page you listed.

  5. Gail, in northern CaliforniaMay 1, 2011 at 8:08 PM

    I know the common thread at the moment is all about hats but....
    And, I know you didn't get up at the crack of dawn to see Kate's dress but didja' get a load of David Beckham's suit at the Royal Wedding? Normally, he's a little too surly for me but standing in line, he was all smiles and drop dead gorgeous. (Sorry. I forgot. I'm 66.) When I saw his suit, my first thought was: "Oh. I'll bet 'ol Max would love that."

  6. Now you're talking - cannot go wrong anytime Sam Snead's name is attached to it :-). xoxo

  7. You couldn't beat Slammin' Sammy Snead for swagger.This hat is perfect.

  8. Straw hats are the new Belgians. At least that's what the kids are sayin'.

  9. A couple of years ago I ordered one of the coconut straw hats from Millers. It's my favorite hat for trips to Palm Springs. Millers is a great company.

  10. Miller's Hats is right down the street from me! Great hats, and you got yourself a deal. I don't think I've ever seen a hat that, er, inexpensive, in there. And, Anonymous Texan, don't diss my 'hood. We go outside at night all the time.

  11.'s ok to call that hat "cheap"! I'm new to the hat thing so I won't be buying expensive ones for a while...or maybe ever.

    Sluice...I looked at the coconut straws...maybe next.

    T...maybe. And a whole lot less expensive.

    James...I agree. We need a few more Sneeds and a few less Bonds.

    Flo...that's a GREAT project for you. Keep me posted on what you find. I agree with your Tommy Hat assumptions. It has a bit of the "gambler" style Panama thing going but it's a bit more "spitoon" methinks. Plus, the gambler styles that I've seen online shriek..."Greg Norman lookalike at the regional business meeting golf scramble"...

    Preppy 101...yep....see my comment to James. there irony in that statement?

    Gail...I didn't see Beckham and his rig but I'll look for it.

    YankeeWhiskey...yep...part of this hat thang, I think, is getting the thing beat up a little bit.

    Barima...I'll have to look up the Dr. Who/McCoy image.

    Toad...I"m blaming you for all of this. So far I'm not in too deep $$$-wise. there an old hotel near that Eperson Building?

  12. Now I like this hat. Wear it well.

  13. Maybe is we pass in Old Town this summer in our straws, then we can tip our hats knowingly! Except I need a new one since the parrots ripped a hole in mine last summer outside the Torpedo Art Factory ...

  14. Inspired by you, I ordered the same thing. It arrived yesterday, so I took it out for a spin today. Success! I can't wait to wear it with everything this summer. I think it'll go especially well with a blazer. Now, what to wear below the waist... chinos? ducks? specs?

  15. Fogey...heck of a hat for sixty bucks dontcha think? I paired mine yesterday for The Handlin' with a seersucker orange seersucker suit.

  16. You had me until "orange." Yech!

    But it is a great hat. And made in America to boot!
