probably on the record somewhere in this blog stating that living inside the
Beltway—residing as I do—literally seven miles from the Hill—six miles from the
White House—and not being in politics is like living in Hollywood and not being
in the movie business. Washington, D.C. is a three-button sack coat, goofball town,
awash with sycophants.
wasn’t always my opinion. There was a time when I loved the academics of
politics. I loved United States constitutional history and I loved reading the
17th and 18th century political and social theorists. And
I worked for a U.S. Senator the summer between my junior and one of my senior years of undergrad.
Then the taint wafted in. Slowly. And rather like slow growing hardwood trees,
the taint; when it did unfurl, was sturdy to the point of calcification and in
my mind—it was here to stay. I love the academics of the political process. I
loathe politicians. My rather decided view of all this culminated when during
one of my several assignments within the pharma industry, I lobbied (I love the
new, perhaps more palatable characterization of special interest tactics.
Instead of lobbying, it’s advocacy
now) agencies, legislators and policy shapers.
Even the
most well-meaning newly elected legislator will, within their first term,
become to some degree, converted…turned. The big money, the court of
jesters that include staffer toadies who would literally, I kid you not, wipe a
legislator’s butt if asked, are laughable on one hand and downright pitiful on
the other. I moderated my Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. bias slightly after reading his diaries but only a little bit. Loyalty is good. Unwavering allegiance without question scares me. I honestly believe that Schlesinger would have done anything to or for JFK and RFK...upon demand. Ok, so perhaps he wasn't a bow tied sycophant. But he was a J. Pressed lap-dog.
I’m ok
with ego and eccentricity but I’m less disgusted with gaudy shows of power and
money when one comes about it in ways other than at the people's expense. And what we have on the Hill today
are not servants of this country’s citizenry and our best interests. Oh, and
state legislators are just as bad or worse. My home state’s legislative branch
was for years, flat-out; for sale.
So it
becomes rather obvious why sartorial panache doesn’t have to be part of the
success formula in political Washington, D.C. The currency here is power—not style.
There are a few exceptions to the rule but unfortunately, most of the best
examples are historical ones. Come to think of it, sartorial Washington has
fallen from its rather low-set three-button goofball sack coat perch and has
landed on less defined ground. Even the most sociopathic political opportunist
woulda looked ok if they’d just had one of their butt-wiper staffers drive them
over to J. Press for a couple of suits and matching accessories. Remember Jim Traficant?
And with
the exception of those Ivy League keystone cop knuckle heads at the CIA who led
JFK to green light the Bay of Pigs—and with their hiccup or two regarding
Vietnam, we’d be better off morally and sartorially if United States foreign
policy was still led by those patinated statesmen who wouldn’t dream of
stepping out of the house unless swathed and shod in Chipp, J. Press, The
Brethren Brooks or some visiting Savile Row tailor or cobbler. Acheson and Harriman come to mind.
current round-up of politicians offers more bad sartorial examples than good
ones so let’s look back for a moment. Texan John Tower who was anything but towering,
physically…was a natty dresser. Never did I see him without well placed linen
in his breast pocket. And his ties were impeccably dimpled. I wonder if some of
his sartorial knack came from hanging around Savile Row while attending the
London School of Economics. Tower was a great sartorial specimen even though a
little too Adolphe Menjou-esque in his studied perfection.
But I’ll
take too well-studied and over-groomed any day, compared to the myth busting carriage
of Barney Frank. So much for the prejudicial stereotype that says gay men are
fastidious, neat and aesthetically advanced.
And I’ll
say that the Kennedy brothers were an exception to all of my biased
generalizations regarding sartorial Washington. Why? First, it’s
their genetic predisposition for big, white incisors and really thick hair. Next,
it’s their wealthy father’s investment from an early age, in their wardrobes
rich in London bespoke and New England Trad-Ivy content. They learned it early on and
never wavered too far from it.
If Jack and Bobby had lived long enough to see
Nehru Jackets, Members Only windbreakers and Nik-Nik shirts, something tells me
that they’d have taken a pass.
So what
about those other Texas boys, Connolly and Johnson? I love this photo. Lyndon
and John at a ceremony honoring their mentor and surrogate father, Sam Rayburn.
Friends and power seekers…at each other’s expense—one in the same. Texans without hats? It seems unthinkable.
in a three-two peak lapelled single breasted rig. Rail thin. University of
this be Exhibit One in the “Does a picture
really say a thousand words" Trial? Texans can do hats. Most times, it’s
better that non-Texan politicians eschew the urge to top. But look at the HappyWarrior in the middle. He’d a looked even less comfortable with an obligatory “when in Rome” temporarily donned
Stetson but geez…could there be a greater divide…a more dichotomous gaggle than
HHH and these two Texans?
sartorial performances weren’t ghastly but it was obvious that he didn’t give too
much of a damn about clothes. He was the hang-dog, jowly, big-eared Uncle
Cornpone to JFK’s Trad-Ivy everythingness. But LBJ was a master strategist and
a formidable tactician. History now trends toward assigning LBJ the rightful
assignation of the most legislatively capable operative to ever occupy the
Senate. He was the United States Senate for almost twelve years. Don’t believe
me? Read Caro’s latest LBJ volume, Passage
of Power. The first forty-seven days of LBJ’s presidency saw him reach back
into the Senate and pull JFK’s stalled legislation out of the proverbial
shitter. He knew how to get it done. The Harvards, as he called them, who ran the Executive branch before he took over, did not. Even though he urged...begged actually...most of the Harvards to stay on for at least one year before resigning their posts, it took his tactical, pragmatic, Cornponessence to legislatively actualize what JFK's Executive had initiated.
there were a couple of things in Caro’s latest volume that challenged me. So
consistent with my pseudo-academic, mighty-erudity-ness, I wrote Robert Caro to
seek some clarification. Stay tuned for the response.
Ok, I’ve
wandered aimlessly here and haven’t really made much of a sartorial point. I
reckon the gist of this is that I live inside the Beltway for reasons that damn
sure exclude ones political, sartorial and duende-acious. I am mad about
clothes. I am mad at politicians. Now let me go see about what’s left of my
Onward. Having
already voted, I am…ADG II...your humble servant in all things sartorially random.
more thing. The last campaign I cared about was when LFG ran for the Presidency
of Wonders, her aftercare program
when she was in the 2nd grade. I’m a strategy consultant but fearing
a biased, daddy taint if I actively engaged too much in LFG’s campaign; I
delegated the task to my one of my business partners and his daughter who is
LFG’s age. And I've already been clear on the risk that politicians take when trying to wear hats or helmets. Candidate LFG on the other hand, rocked her little pillbox topper don'tcha think? Even her Chief of Staff, Gromit, is reasonably well topped in his rain hat.
Here’s my partner’s write up on the winning LFG campaign strategy…
*Strategy Works for
Seven Year Olds
“LFG, age 7, recently decided to
run for the Presidency of “Wonders”, her after school care program. When asked
what she would rely upon to get votes, she paused for a moment to reflect on
differentiating strategy options. Subsequently, she declared that the kids
attending the aftercare program should be empowered to have more choice in the
selection of activities and resources for their utilization.
LFG then concluded that she
should hire the services of a strategy consultancy to assist in building a
winning position around the theme of “kid’s choice”. L.T.I. (Lauren, Tommy Inc.) was retained to craft
the strategy. Lauren S___ weighed in on the “Choice” strategy and along with
her associate, Tommy S___, created the following strategic playbook for LFG:
As part of the consulting
arrangement with LFG for President, LTI (Lauren, Tommy, Inc.) have developed a
strategy built on what LFG has said is most important to her constituency and
designed to ensure her election as President of Post School Care…
Let us set the scenario…
LFG strides into the main play
area and up to the Daisy Duck podium.
She turns, recognizes the Speaker of the Playground and those who were
unable to attend due to nap time. She grabs
both sides of the podium and stares directly into the eyes of Madam Post School
Care Facility Owner. She pauses for
dramatic effect and says…
“It’s all about making the Right
The Right Choices for…
• Healthier Snacks
• Kid’s Toys in the Playroom
• Frequent Field Trips
• More Cooking Days
The CHOICE is really simple…LFG,
the Right Choice!”
She stands still and relishes the
applause, nods her head one time, turns and exits to the standing ovation she will
so richly deserve.
LFG won a hard fought contest
utilizing the well-honed “Choice” strategy created through the collaborative
efforts of her team and L.T.I.”
*This is
a true story. And yes, LFG won.
Nice stationery !
ReplyDeleteWow. Texas politicians did have a certain style. Did. I've got a hat recommendation for most of the current ones.
ReplyDeleteGoing to hear RFK, Jr. speak next Monday. Will report back on whether he dresses as well as his daddy and uncles did!
(Third try to pass the robot test, and it's not even happy hour.)
Before you do Caro,it is de rigueur down here to immerse yourself in J. Evetts Haley's " A Texan Looks at Lyndon". Coke Stevenson is the gold standard. Enuff said.
ReplyDeleteThe Truman et al pic reminds us what statesmen should look like.
ReplyDeleteSilk Reggie...it's easy to make your own stationery on the computer...
ReplyDeleteRichard...not only what they should look like--but what they should act like. I love the story in Acheson Country about Truman going out to Acheson's farm for an afternoon visit. Civilized.
AnonTexan...I'll have to check out Haley's book. But for now, I'm deep in the Caro stuff.
YogaOne...RFK Jr. won't hold a candle to his fathers or uncles, sartorially or rhetorically. His voice sounds as if he's gonna start crying any minute.
ADG: I do have Acheson Country as well, and know his son, David, who is also an elegant chap.
ReplyDeleteGood post. But who can forget Tom Wolfe's Secret Vice essay in which he said that LBJ, after looking at Kennedy's suits must have thought "Yus, muh cluths look luk Irun Bouy uvverulls" and then ordered his tailor to make him look like a British diplomat! That is probably my favorite Wolfe passage of all time.
ReplyDeleteConstitutional history? If interested drop a line to Library@gunstonhall.org and I will arrange a tour of the Mansion & Archives for you-
Great post as always.
ReplyDeleteI do not envy living that close to the big heated winds of politics that is that part of our great nation.
Thanks for continuing to write for us... Much appreciated!
This garment was named after Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of independent India.
ReplyDelete".....we’d be better off morally and sartorially if United States foreign policy was still led by those patinated statesmen who wouldn’t dream of stepping out of the house unless swathed and shod in Chipp, J. Press, The Brethren Brooks or some visiting Savile Row tailor or cobbler."
ReplyDeleteAlger Hiss?
Have you heard the recording of LBJ ordering some pants from Haggar? Hysterical.
Unknown...yes, I've heard the "Haggar Tapes" Funny...kinda.
ReplyDeleteAnonAlger...Hiss strikes me more as a Men's Wearhouse kinda guy.
ScaleWormington...thanks for reading my drivel.
MWGunston...who is you?
Nehru Jacketmon....sorry to be a smartass but... no shit.
TomB-Wolfe-Passage...I'm hoping to hell that Wolfe's new book doesn't disappoint.
RichardM...I hope that the Acheson's have kept their Maryland farm in the family.
This garment was named after Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of independent India.
ReplyDeleteThe Nehru Jacket was one element of Indian dress that penetrated western dress styles.
ReplyDeleteThank goodness the Nehru jacket was the only thing sartorially that took hold.