Friday, January 29, 2016

Florence, S.C.

From an email that I wrote this morning.

"I worked at Singleton’s Men’s Shop after school and summers for years. The J&J lunch counter, Roney’s, and the Sky View were my go-to spots for teenage and college years food consumption—when I wasn’t back at my mama’s getting clothes washed and country cooking. Reindeer Lane, the Christmas Parade down Evan’s Street, The Fair and hotdogs at the Civitan or Optimist food booths out there, the Southern 500 parade in Darlington, meeting “Goober” at the Florence airport and getting Bobby Richardson’s—the Yankee’s 2nd baseman from Sumter—autograph one Sunday when he spoke at College Park Church. And hearing my  mom and aunt Kat say they weren’t going to wash their necks for a week after Marshall Dillon—James Arness hugged their necks when he was the 500 Parade Marshall one year. Getting dragged to “town” (Gladstone’s/Furchgots) with my mom and aunts because there was nobody to watch over me on Saturday when I wanted to play. I thought I was going to die at five years old—having to “behave myself” while they tried on dresses ALL DAY. But then I’d get a dollar to spend a Woolworth’s or Kress and all would be ok again. Phil Nofal’s for cowboy boots once a year—when school started. Santa Claus was at Sears every year.  This is my Florence."


  1. Outstanding. It seems like a wonderful place to be a child. My little home town was too but there was no opportunity there of any sort and one had to leave to make one's way in the world.


  2. Eb body! Max is back ritin litterchur again! Pure bred unadotteraided litterdamnchur. Stay own it Max...

  3. Sounds like Mayberry.

    I'm so glad your mom had all those sisters to spoil you rotten.

  4. Ah, yes, being required to behave in the store... as I recall, I wasn't so good at it, either.

    My children do a fair-to-poor job of behaving themselves in regular stores, but are perfect little angels in thrift stores.

    Go figure.

  5. (?) (Ta'er)

  6. So terrific to read your words again buddy.
    Sheldon Kornpett, DDS

  7. So. Wait!!! I'm resubscribing. Also super happy to hear you're back.

  8. I found the perfect use of shell cordovan for you!
