Saturday, July 9, 2011

The 2011 L.L. Bean Go-to-Hell Boat and Tote

I’ve usually engaged my GTH trouser cache full-force by this time of year. But since that darned Dermatologist waived me off of my usual sun consumption, my enthusiasm for GTH pants has been dimmed. More on this issue in another post.
But that didn’t stop LFG from going over to the L.L. Bean website and creating our first ever GTH Boat and Tote. “I can pick all the colors, right?” To which I of course replied yes.
So here we are. Our inaugural fuzzy diced GTH Tote. I’m thinking we’ll kick off each new summer with one.
Besides, who in God’s name would ever steal this from us? A voice of reason posited that it should at least have a navy blue enclosure. Kinda like putting a Blazer on a turd.
Onward. Fuzzy is as fuzzy-does. And committed to the ongoing practice of beginning sentences with And or But. Butcept when I choose not to.


  1. Cool collection of GTH shorts - like the dark blue paisley and the reds with martini glasses -

  2. just one word for ya, buddy... tan-in-a-can.

  3. And what the hell was wrong with this, I want to know? I think LDG shows some serious design talent.

  4. Brilliant idea. You know, I one actually sat down a while back and sketched one of these do it yourself LLB totes. Then I laid the paper aside, found an LLB regimental striped tote and was pretty satisfied with it for carrying the overflow from by briefcase. Then I see this post. I think I may need to actually follow through this time. Your tote looks bloody great - and it will only get better.

  5. Beautiful cache. And lovely tote. Truly.

    And who in the world told you not to begin sentences with and, but, and which (amongst others)?!

  6. ADG, say it ain't so. You closed down the comments on your farewell post but I feel compelled to say goodbye and sincerely thank you for your efforts. I've truly enjoyed what you have chosen to share, you will be missed.

  7. Thought about your post on the Varsity last night, I stopped into the Atlanta branch for a little post drinking and oyster session fix. It seemed like a good idea last night but this morning is proving otherwise. Hope things are well in your neck of the woods.

  8. Ian ...I have NEVER been there when the "next morning" was anything but what it "is". Part of the admission price my friend!

  9. We sure do miss you and your little one around here!


  10. can find us over at

  11. I am so glad you let me know this. I was going through withdrawals. I checked it out and enjoyed it. However, I have no idea how to comment so I will leave this here.

    I thought about you and the little one today. I just sent off a Tri Delt rec for a friend's daughter, and now the waiting game begins. She's cute as a button, so we shall see. I do believe that grownups agonize over this more than the girls do. That being said, there's something to be said for girls schools which my grandfather staunchly believed in and which forced my mother to elope rather than attend one. ;-)

    Glad you are well and enjoying your life. Love to both of you from your anon friend, Elizabeth, and her KA hubby.
