I blame it on Sitemeter. Actually I blame it on Toad for making Sitemeter known to me. And I’m always looking for someone else’s doorstep to drop off my blame-bag of garbage. I’ve checked in at Sitemeter rarely over the last year but the pathos of it was long imprinted on my noggin before I stopped watching the daily numbers like some kind of freakin’ playoff. Now I’m kidding about blaming Sitemeter but I think it’s important to include the psychology of blog visits in my story here.
Toad made me aware of the data collection/aggregation prowess of Sitemeter and since it was free, I figured I’d give it a go. But why? Folks, there are bloggers out there who are either generating revenue or hope to generate revenue or aspire to a book deal and for those mugwumps, stats gathered by the likes of Sitemeter are crucial. Alas, I ain’t part of that group. “Stop the false modesty or downright lie about not desiring blog revenue or a book deal.” I’m not kidding about my lack of ambition regarding revenue from blogging or that “proverbial book”…the one that bloggers either outright admit they’re seeking or secretly hope for. I’ll take on these topics more completely in a while. But at 556am here in Casa Minimus, I’ve gotta pee and get another cup of coffee.
I digress…surprise I know…so let me continue on with the Pathos of Sitemeter. Even though I never intended to try and commercialize my blog...witnessing the rising tide of readership was fun. What started as three to four-hundred unique/individual visitors (NOT page views…that’s a different and less potent drug statistic. John/Jane Doe may visit your blog and read three different stories…thus one unique visit might manifest two to three page views. The purest drug for me was how many individuals visited that day) trended over the ensuing few months towards a thousand. W.G.A.S. right? I did. It was fun and it got to be sport. Kinda like a new personal best in a 10k run. But therein begins the pathos…you have to write stuff regularly in order to have people come by and sit on your blog porch for a spell. And as long as you find the story cobbling fun…as long as you have time for it…then it’s all good. The first time I had one-thousand people sit on my porch, albeit for an average of three-point-seven minutes, in one day, I wanted to tell someone. W.G.A.S. right? For some ego reason, I did.
But then I realized how perilously on the cusp I was to porching two-thousand visitors in a single day. Now for those who don’t have a blog…let me be clear…When I say one-thousand or two-thousand visitors in a day, that doesn’t mean every day thereafter. The number of daily blog visitors, at least on my porch, varies significantly and there are many, many more days when the number of visitors is eight-hundred as opposed to over a thousand. But when I got so darned seduced by the statistics is also when I self-identified the pathos. And from that point on, I disciplined myself to only go to Sitemeter once per month and gander the trends. Being one who generally lacks self-discipline, I’ve been true to the once per month commitment from the moment I established it. But it made little difference. The psychology of “feeding the beast” was now etched in stone.
I might be fabricating this but I think that Larry David and/or Jerry Seinfeld said that Seinfeld was a show “about nothing”. Folks, I’m far from being a Luddite but until a couple of years ago, I’d never visited a blog. And then somehow I stumbled upon a discussion, with pictures, about grosgrain watch bands or something like that. “Shit…this is cool…let me say something” And I did. Of course that blog linked to other ones and before I knew it, I was visiting and commenting on a bunch of Trad clothing sites and my comments got longer. Longer to the point where I concluded “that last comment over at so-and-so’s site could have been its own blog story.” And so I started a blog…I suppose it was intended to be about Trad clothing and style…as if the blogosphere needed another freakin’ blog about such shite. But then it became about LFG and other things that I was motivated to mention. And I think the lack of a singular focus became part of the appeal. At least I enjoyed it…enjoyed the fact that it was about whatever I wanted it to be. Or nothing.
So where am I going with this rambling story? It’s time for me to give this up. W.G.A.S. right? I do. I do because writing my stories has been one of the most fun and rewarding things I’ve ever done. And the friends I’ve made from this effort are true ones…the three-in-the-morning phone call type of friends…me calling you of course. But I’m at a point where the reward/effort ratio is out of whack. And to that end, as opposed to backing off a little bit, I need to just walk away indefinitely. But before I sign off, let me share with you a few of my whatevers from this experience.
The Blogging Ego: There’s a shitload of ego in the blogosphere. And I’m scared of people who try to appear devoid of ego and peddle false modesty with alacrity. Ego, as opposed to narcissism, is a good thing. But the Blogging Ego cracks me up…and of course I’ve fallen prey to its rearing head from time to time. I can’t be the only blogger who has had someone with literary credentials say… “You have a voice…you could write for a living…most bloggers and even some published writers don’t have your voice” and then starts thinking… “Damn…I missed my calling”. Shit. I’m laughing at myself as I admit this.
Thank God that another voice in my head is louder than the Blogging Ego voice. The other voice that says… “You have a job…you still need to work for a living…most consultants and even published consultants don’t write stories about socks…now go to the office.” Thank you…thank you…thank you, Other Voice. If ever there was evidence of Blogging Ego, it’s this load of drivel I’m writing right now. If there wasn’t any ego attached to this, I could simply go away without explanation or perhaps post a one paragraph goodbye. But no, upon my departure, I have to write a f_ck_ng manifesto. Bam!
The Blogging Objective…Commercial or Not: I reached out to three friends whose feedback and insights I was confident, would be honest and forthright. And one of the immediate challenges was… “What’s your Objective with this blog thing?” I can honestly say that I never considered blogging as a potential revenue generator. There’s nothing wrong with creating a commercial blog. I suppose there are those who realize a nice revenue stream from placing advertisements on their blog but the numbers I crunched showed me it wasn’t worth it…for me at least. The eight hundred and forty dollars per month that I coulda pocketed wouldn’t be worth the sense of duty that I’d have felt to ramp-up the effort and grow the eight hundred and forty to at least eight hundred and forty-five. Couple that with Sitemeter Pathos and Blogging Ego and I’d a manifested a hat-trick of intractable eczema or something worse. So the business model for blogging ain’t one that intrigues me.
The Blogging Mediated Book Deal or the Blogging Derived Journalism Career: I just chuckled some coffee through my nose as I pondered this phenomenon. Listen; there are a few really great writers who deservedly end up getting book deals from their blogging efforts. And there are others who end up getting writing gigs with very respected publications as a result of their blogging efforts. But these bloggers are few, few, few and far between. I have a career that still has juice left in it and while I don’t make a million each year in my little business, I’ve never let Blogging Ego delude me, even for a moment, into thinking that I could equal my income in the hack world. I just shot nasal coffee again.
I see an unfortunate turn in the business of writing. As traditional print media continues to whisper yelps of demise; paradoxically, some bloggers are finding their voice. The perfect storm then manifests when publishers, desperate to preserve margins, reach out to very accomplished bloggers with great voices and offer opportunities to write for their publications. The offers usually come in with comparatively modest compensation. I see the magazine/newspaper business model of the future being one of modestly paid but ego stroked bloggers/former bloggers hacking the copy while the publisher limits their full-time, fixed-cost writing staff (and even fairly paid freelancers) but doubles-up on copy editors and fact checkers. I mean why not? It’s a last ditch effort to preserve a dying model by poaching some of the cream from the encroaching beast and using it as an unguent to delay the inevitable. Why buy the cow when you can get the cream for almost free?
So for me, the pipe dream of realizing a whopping thirty-five thousand dollars a year from any kind of writing efforts never gained footing in my noggin. Perhaps ten years from now the idea might be appealing but not right now.
The Blogging Story versus Blogging Snippet: I pondered a compromise prior to deciding to end my blog. I love Hollister Hovey’s blog and a few others who simply offer more often than not, a chunk of visual candy with well-wrought, but very limited text accompanying their posts. I thought that maybe I’d do three or four little similar things during the week…posts that would require fifteen to twenty minutes each…and then tell a story…a long story each weekend. But as a trusted advisor reminded me… “ADG, you are an EXPLAINER so that blogging model won’t satisfy you.” Trusted advisor is right. I’d just as soon do nothing than post more shit like the L.L. Bean Go to Hell Boat and Tote story. Shut up.
So thank you for reading my stories. Thank you for emailing me personally to let me know that something I’ve said has touched you in a meaningful way. Thanks for the great personal friendships that this venue has created. I look forward to maintaining them and growing others. I remain an email away and for those who wish to remain in touch, I’ll always be gratified to hear from you.
Onward. Indeed.
ADG, II and of course; my heart…LFG
Too cruel.
ReplyDeleteFarewell - you and your blog will be missed.
ReplyDeleteHope to see you next time I'm in Baltimore/DC - or when you're over on this side of the pond.
I salute you, sir. Your presence on the 'sphere has been a noble one. Thank you for sharing your wit and wisdom with us, your loyal and grateful readers. We are the better for it. Thank you for all the effort that you expended on our behalf, and best of wishes to you and yours going forward, or--as you say--onward. Reggie
ReplyDeleteAnd I never got to read about the lady with the beautiful blue eyes.
ReplyDeleteBest to you and your little golden hair, always.
Blessings on your way, Large Man. - Jenny
ReplyDeleteThis will be such a loss. Rarely have I come across such a unique and interesting voice.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the advice and your points of view. I'm a bit shocked - but I understand.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I have enjoyed your ramblings and hope that My golden haired girl, who's 5 tomorrow, grows up to be as beautiful as yours.
ReplyDeleteIf you ever feel like walking out to your porch and telling a story, I will be sure to take my seat. Have a great summer.
ReplyDeleteI understand but I will really miss your writing. All the best...
Hello ADG:
ReplyDeleteThere are, rather sadly, few blogs in the blogosphere which are well written, erudite, at times amusing, pertinent, and which both engage the reader and which have something to say. Yours is one such in what is now, with the news of your departure, a diminishing breed. You will, we are certain, be 'a voice' which will be much missed. We wish you well.
Nothing new to be said here, but as a constant reader and one-time-only commenter, this is the perfect time to post for the second time to bid adieu. This is definitely one page I look forward to reading, so it will be missed.
ReplyDeleteI only discovered your blog about 6 months ago, but have followed it religiously since. Its humour and passion and candour and lack of ego surpassed all others. I'll miss it. Thanks for the entertainment and insight, and I wish you both all the best.
ReplyDeleteWell...this is a shock. I am sad to see the end of your blog :O( Even my husband knows who you are!
ReplyDeleteBut...if you wont be blogging...will you at least answer emails in a timely fashion? :O)
Did LFG's bday card from me arrive?
I'll greatly miss your stories, your wisdom and humor. You were my greatest inspiration for starting my own blog, and I cannot thank you enough for that. If you ever wander westward to the Mountain State, let me know.
The Cable Knit Collegian
Thank you for being one of the first blogs that hooked me into reading blogs, I don't blame you for wanting to get back to livin' large. Hopefully when LFG's children are young adults they will be able to find your blog archive and appreciate how unique you are!
ReplyDeleteI too think that the lack of a singular focus became part of the appeal for me as a follower of your digital masterpiece to come back-post-after-post!I have been reading of your many adventures over the last year and my friend you will be sorely missed! Farwell my Belgian shod fellow!
ReplyDeleteGotta love a man who knows when to walk off stage at the right time. A tempest of applause, old sport, and all the best to you and yours.
ReplyDeleteA brother and a widow's son (sun?)--
I'll miss you. Stop by my porch anytime.
ReplyDeleteI am sad to see you go. Yours was the first blog I ran across....something about the Chinese Disco. I have related to your posts and stories, probably because we are of the same generation and have similar tastes in clothing and other things and are divorced fathers who love our children very much. Wish I had had the opportunity to meet you other than through the blogosphere, as you are certainly a most interesting person and your posts have been one of my daily reads since I stumbled upon your blog. Best of luck and thanks for your insights, inspirations, and humor.
ReplyDeleteThis is a bummer. You will be missed. The trad section of my blog reader is already very thin. Who will ever replace you? It's been fun. I have nice memories of the days when we were more in touch.
ReplyDeleteWarmest Regards,
Charles Coutret
Please tell me it is April Fool's Day. PLEASE.
ReplyDeleteThank you for all of your posts over the past couple years that educated, provoked thought, and entertained. Yours is/was a rare voice on the blogosphere, combining intellect with humor and humility. I hope that the blogging bug bites you in the future.
ReplyDeleteTom Buchanan
Dammit, yours was my favorite blog and there's not even a close second. I'll miss reading your posts and seeing pictures of the best personal style on the internet. I wish you luck in business, fatherhood, and otherwise. I'll keep checking back in hopes that you'll post again in the future. Until then, I'm glad you'll still be accepting emails. One of these days I might actually get around to sending you those shoes and I'll need to know where to send them.
Life gets in the way of life. I do think you are a wonderful writer and explained, and you could count on me at any 3am morning.
ReplyDeleteI think T.R. would say on your reasoning for this departure "Bully!".
I say "Hip, Hip, Huzzah!" to ADG, the Captain Aubrey of the sartorial digital seas... Farewell!
Oh, by the way... I just had lunch with Giuseppe and he and I are going in 50/50 on a syndicate to purchase "Shut up" from the Maxminimus liquidation auction. The terms of our agreement mean that he will have usage of "Shut" and I will take rights to "up". Strangely, none of our investors wanted "Onward". Please have your blog executor or attorneys contact us to finalize the paperwork.
ReplyDeleteI've enjoyed your story and have looked forward to each and every chapter. However, I believe you have made a wise choice in ending on a very high note. Best wishes to you and LFG.
ReplyDeleteOh no!!! I so enjoy all of your stories. I'll be lost without them. You will be greatly missed.
ReplyDeleteAww..ADG I'll miss reading your blog; your point of view and opinions and posts about your daughter. Maybe you will consider stopping by
ReplyDeleteonce and a while.
Be well,
Go stylishly into that good night. Also, please consider leaving this blog up at least...it's a valuable resource for us wannabes—and lastly, thank you.
ReplyDeleteOn behalf of all the "anonymous" who stop by often---no!!
ReplyDeleteBut, your call of course, happy to meander back in if you do. Farewell til then.
You have never once published anything that wasn't entertaining, insightful, and with a warm and twinkle that is utterly uplifting.
ReplyDeleteNot once.
You shine, and you make everything and everybody look better too.
In fact, I'm better for knowing that you're in the world.
Behave yourself, you hear.
Whoa...no more stories? Re Leslie Scott's comment about an archive for LFG's offspring: You really should print/bind/make a personal book for them of these stories. I know this plays into the writer/blog ego thing but don't we all have a hunger to know what the folks who went before us were like? I wish I had some memories or writings from my parents, let alone from grandparents I never knew. I use blogging for this purpose, as well as a record of Alexandria soccer games won and lost, parties given, family holidays and friends well met. I wish my mom had written down all the family stories. LFG will thank you. I'll miss reading your ramblings.
ReplyDeleteSHUT UP!!!!! Say it isn't so...i also had to think of the date to see if it was Aprl Fools...I shall miss your wonderful blog..Hope you jump back in now and then. Thanks for sharing! GinnywiththehusbandwhowontwearhisBelgians!
ReplyDeletePlease do me a favor - don't give up this URL. What usually happens when someone deletes a blog with a bit of a readership that URL ends up either a landing spot for people that are Googling 'Belgian Shoes' or 'Large Pant Cuffs' or 'Flusser' and instead of Trad wisdom/wit you end up with porn.
ReplyDeleteYou will be missed. And I won't get a chance to see how LFG blossoms into a spectacular, smart, quirky (in the best possible way) woman.
Shut up. No, seriously, shut up. Is it secretly April Fool's day without my knowledge? I refuse to accept your resignation.
ReplyDeleteTake care.
ReplyDeleteI feel remiss in not passing this praise along sooner. I suppose this is my last opportunity. Over the past few semesters I've referred my college students to your blog as readers. It offers a wonderful opportunity for students, particularly men, to see a path to maturity with a certain grace, to understand the opportunities and responsibilities of adulthood, and to read stylish, thoughtful, American prose. I never heard a complaint.
ReplyDeleteI like to think that, even in this short time, I've converted a few students to a "way of life" their grandfathers might have appreciated, giving some thought to personal appearance, socially acceptable behavior, and, that word again, style. And for your part in that, I thank you.
I hope I have the opportunity to read you again in some way. Good bye, and best wishes.
Thank you for your blog which I have loved--and checked daily--for well over a year. I hold out hope that I will meet you someday on M Street in Georgetown or in some random airport lounge...
ReplyDeleteAll the best to you and LFG.
I have been lurking here for nearly a year, and I must admit, I am taking the news of your leaving pretty hard. Your blog has provided a much welcomed break in my day for a long time now and I have enormous appreciation for your prose, the grace with which you navigate life, and your tremendous sense of style.
ReplyDeleteThank you for making my life and many lives richer.
Can't say your explanation makes any sense to me, but of course whether it does makes no difference.
ReplyDeleteI think you found a lady friend and time is limited so something has to give...
Good luck to you.
About time, ol' chum. Bound to happen. The signs were there all along.
ReplyDeleteThe key mistake most 'bloggers' make is to give a shit what others think.
Once you start factoring your audience into it--in your case, lonely suburban soccer moms (haha)--you may as well just pack up and go home.
This isn't a gig for those seeking praise and affirmation from others.
Write for yourself, and yourself only.
Enjoy your well-deserved rest.
You blog is truly one of the few I check in on almost daily. Your blog's wide ranging content and playfully written style is one of a kind. I'm going to miss it greatly, but I understand how you feel. I'm the last one who should say anything about shuttering a blog. Be well.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Anonymous at 7:09 - you found someone and you don't have time.
ReplyDeleteAll the best -- really
I'll miss you but I'm sure your child will be relieved that you've given up the blog. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteSay it ain't so! ADG your blog has been a daily inspiration to me! I hope this isn't your swan song, Say you'll be back!
ReplyDeleteSay it ain't so, Mr. ADG! Oh well, it's best to quit while you are ahead (like my uncle would say).
ReplyDeleteYou have enriched our lives, sir.
Well, it's a little like going to your own funeral. You get to hear a lot of smart people say how much they like(d) you. But please understand, there is a good reason for liking you and that reason will continue, just without quite so much access.
ReplyDeleteYou could have a great drinking evening's discussion- or one of those five hour car trip ones people used to have- or even one of those late, late phone calls that just don't make much sense any more- anyway, you could spend a lot of time and energy discussing the various art forms and their performance, from poets and authors reading to rock stars touring to those lucky stiffs, the painters who finish and put the work on the market never to have to flog it.
Huh, FLOG, it sounds like BLOG... I am sure you know the work of Myles na Gopaleen and some of the other great print columnists. It is burnout waiting to happen. Always.
Congratulations on the numbers. You could do like some people and devote your energy to witty and ironic copy for eBay listings, only to see that 6 people had read it in the course of a week. SIX, none of whom actually bought the thing. The web is a big ocean and if your little boat has caught the eye of 2000 fish, well, maybe you can pull this errant metaphor into the boat...
party on.
Wentworth Tradd , unmasked at last
I commented early this morning but apparently Blogger ate my words. Doesn't matter. You know how I feel about your blog and your writing. I also believe your thinking at this juncture is quite sound. Stay in touch.
ReplyDeleteI have been following you for a year. I found you to be quite entertaining and will miss the stories of your adventures with your beautiful child. Good luck and thank you.
ReplyDeleteVaya con dios!
ReplyDeleteOh, say it ain't so. You have truly been an inspiration to me. One of only 2 or 3 "must reads." (Toad's place is another, So is Giuseppe's.) Just keep the light on and the door open. I remember so well your talking Toad back into it, and now I notice that he is one of the most faithful correspondents. Thank you for putting yourself out there and putting so much of yourself into your blog. To me, that is "voice", "authority", and "authenticity". And that is why I will "always keep comin' back", because I want more of that good stuff.
ReplyDeletePS - I meant to say how much I liked the piece on The Chinese Disco as well as the many lessons on Belgians and shell cordovan contrivances. The piece on Fitzgerald was wonderful, especially the visit to the grave site, which a D.C. friend of mine has also taken me to. Talk about sacred ground.
ReplyDeleteHow about all the language you have introduced us to - "contrivances" among them.
Don't do it, man.
I really enjoyed your blog over the years and I am sad that the ride is over. You are blessed with a rich offline life and I wish you and LFG all the best.
Can I be sad and incredibly happy for you too? A lot of us are probably not far behind.
ReplyDeleteADG - Without question, one can develop an ego while blogging. And sure, the sitemeter can promote this, but it can also be a tool to just see how many people are reading your site.
ReplyDeleteI think at some point, you will return! All bloggers go through phases (yours truly), and the catalyst of these phases can be many things (work, hate messages, etc.) In the end, this just needs to be a hobby for you. It is simply a hobby for me, and I use it as a release.
Shamefully, I post the opportunity for people to advertise, but I have turned down every single opportunity I have had. Remember, keep it a hobby and it will be fun.
You will be missed!
Oy. The drama.... If this is the last we really hear from you I'll eat my Belgians.
ReplyDeleteGo away and have a great summer; gather some new material, give your daughter her privacy back and see you in the fall...
Now what will I do when I need to make fun of someone's hideous pants?
ReplyDeleteYou better e-mail me before you head out my way, or, or, or--or it'll probably be a v-e-r-y long time before my next business trip to DC, and I'd love to get together before then.
Thanks for all the posts. Please leave them up! You might want to close comments on all entries in a while, though.
I agree on the commercialism. If i ever began a blog it would be that the writing, and feedback, met a need or an interest for me. When/if that waned, was superceded, or I thought it was, then indeed why continue.
Portland, Oregon
Rats. I'll miss you and the occasional appearance of those "Howdy Doody" cowboy boots. Take good care of yourself and that golden-haired child. Hallie
ReplyDeleteShut Up! I've been frigging depressed for 24 hours since reading this post. Man, you are the greatest for entertaining us (me) You were my go to man,
ReplyDeletefirst thing in the morning. I will miss your musings.....a big thanks for brightening my day. Now Toad has the full responsibility!
Onward, sadly without your daily wit to read.
Best to you, and your little one!
You'll be greatly missed; I hope you reconsider your decision...Toad, I hope you don't follow suit.
ReplyDeleteI am pretty sure that any thoughtful blogger goes through this process regularly. As I've had longer stretches of not posting lately I've looked at my blissfully empty email box and thought, "See, nothing happens. It doesn't matter." An ego built on providing entertainment for strangers is a shaky one at best. But even as my numbers got higher (and, no lie, we all check) I always felt like I was talking with friends. Meg and Pat and Chris and you, when you manage to drop in, and a handful of others. And there's joy in that. It takes me out of my regular life of carpools and chores and the daily fret. All payback does not come by way of the dollar sign.
ReplyDeleteStill, if it has become work, and not fun, then I applaud your hanging it up. Don't delete it, for heaven's sake. I've learned a lot here and I'll miss you.
Sorry to see you go - yours was easily my favorite blog - both for the clothes,the insight, and the fact that you never succumbed to the "curated commercials" that many blogs have become. Best Wishes!
ReplyDeleteI've often marvelled at your ability to keep so many balls in the air, and I've thoroughly enjoyed watching and sometimes even throwing in my 2 cents. I wish you the best. And, as always, if you find yourself in Houston, and specifically at The Houstonian, I expect to see your asana front and center!
This was already a bittersweet weekend (mostly sad, actually) before I read this. Since you are only an e-mail away, however, and I don't wholeheartedly believe that this is your swansong, I'll be opening a betting pool as to your return. I'm calling dibs on Christmas
ReplyDeleteBesides, we will always have your archives
A bientot, dear fellow,
You will be missed, but all good things must come to an end, right? I will keep you on my google reader in the hopes you pop back on now and then with something that must be known.
Where do I go for the song, now that the singer is gone?
ReplyDeleteI will miss you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for all the time you've given us - it's been wonderful.
Well thanks and so long.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your privacy and if you have any thoughts you need to toss at us please do so.
you will be missed.
Damn! As I sit here in my cubicle back from 10 days in the U.P. (much of it spent in my LL Bean Signature Camp Mocs (your influence))wearing my Alden flat strap cordovans (ditto)all I can think is Damn! Somehow a search for white bucks brought me to your blog and I've enjoyed reading it ever since. Best wishes to you and yours. I will raise a see-through in your honor tonight!
ReplyDeleteah Darn it!!! I am not happy and I don't wanna understand. You were endlessly entertaining and I feel as if I will have to mourn this, I feel I have been dumped by someone I always thought was out of my league!
ReplyDeleteGood luck and health and happiness to you and your family sir....you will be fondly remembered.
Well, this news just plain old sucks....but I have a feeling we'll have discourse again...in person. Nevertheless, thank you for all the reading and viewing pleasure you have offered to all of us.
ReplyDeleteAs another "blogger", I follow exactly what you mean when describing getting caught up in the stats around visitors, etc, as well as ego. I started a food blog that was for a very specific purpose, and it's changed into more than that. It's given me contacts and even friends outside of my "live" space. I went about 4 months this year without adding a word to the blog, though, and was asked why I hadn't been writing. My response was that, basically, I had life to deal with. Keeping life going is much more important than this stuff, in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteGood call to know when to walk away; it's somewhat Seinfeldish of you!
Thank you... sorry to see you go
ReplyDeleteVery sad to see you go, especially since I only discovered your blog within the last year. On the other hand, my retirement fund thanks you very much. Hell, your writing almost made me drive down to Union Station to take the Acela to New York for the day to buy a pair of damn Hercule Poirot shoes! Almost.
ReplyDeleteNow I really regret not saying hello to you while waiting to get off that United plane in Chicago. Not sure how many of your readers are local, but perhaps a Maximinimus farewell cocktail party is in order? Somewhere near the Alden store would be appropriate, no?
I can´t believe it. I will miss your blog so much. Of course I understand, thanks for giving such a detailed explanation, but I will miss this. I will keep on checking just in case you have second thoughts.
ReplyDeleteBest best best wishes for you and LFG.
Un fuerte abrazo desde España, eres un tipo fantástico, del todo.
After scannning the hardcopy edition of TNYT, your blog is the first digital site I access in the morning.
ReplyDeleteI was well humoured by your witty postings over the past several years. I also enjoyed our exchange of notes about Professor Rick Boyer and appreciated your help in authenticating Rancourt as the manufacturer of my favorite pair of low vamp boat shoes under a Brooks Brothers private label.
Best of luck to you and LFG!
Old School Prep
Do you hear the weeping and gnashing of teeth coming from the direction of the Mount Vernon mansion? Well, that's ME!
ReplyDeleteI still hope to see you soon. And if I was a bettin' woman, I'd bet that you'll miss this and come back soon. I hope so.
Here's to keeping the J O B and LFG. You know my thoughts.
ReplyDeletePlease don't go Bunny Tomerlin on us.
ReplyDeleteI love and will miss your writing, photos, and charm.
Butcept, "do what you gotta do".
All the best.....where else am I going to read about GTH trousers and Belgies?????
ReplyDeleteThanks for everything....
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing with us. You are imitated often and never surpassed.
And don't little "solo act" girls rock!?!
The term "butcept" is mine...I called it.
ReplyDeleteWill miss your posts. Always entertaining. All the best.
I would like to second Paul in NoVa's suggestion of a Maxminimus farewell cocktail party for the locals -perhaps combine it with a bon voyage party for Allie before she moves to Greenwich.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on a good run. I've enjoyed most of my visits.
ReplyDeleteI regret that you did not get to that post on campaign furniture or explain why you don't like JCrew.
I certainly will miss you..good luck.
ReplyDeleteLet's not limit the farewell cocktail parties to the home turf. Like an NBA legend going into retirement - you could have a get together in each city you visit. Sign me up for DFW.
ReplyDeleteThanks so very much for the great stories and writing over the years. Always good to read a voice of sanity and decency, and realise in these dark times that there are still fellow spirits out there in the great wide world. I hope your story runs long and ends well, and that you choose to share it with us again by and by.
ReplyDeleteLike someone said, for goodness' sake don't give away the URL.
By the way, here's a thought for you. If a fellow picks up a guitar, slides his hand up to the fifth fret and barres the neck, those first three notes are 'ADG'. Thanks to your writing, those three letters represent a permanent splash of color on my guitar.
Rest assured that even if your blog goes away for a while, we won't forget you.
Thanks again for all your work.
Please don't. Your blog is one of the few interesting blogs I read.
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed your blog.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes
__ The Devoted Classicist
Remember that it your perogative to change your mind, in case you want to return to blogging.
ReplyDeleteI'm one of the 2,000 people who will be sad to have no more ADG and LFG. I was personally touched the most by the depth of your love for your daughter.
Thankfully I discovered your blog late in the game, so I'll just have to ration the backlog of entries.
Thanks for all you've given us.
So sorry to hear this, but can totally understand the reasoning behind your exit. Best wishes to you and Miss LFG. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's been a great pleasure and wonderful education to read your life and stories ADG. One high point of my last year was the day linked my deceased blog, The Village Idiot, to your blog roll for a brief time. The best to you and LFG and thank you for the wonderful posts.
ReplyDeleteChuck Hatt
ReplyDeleteSorry to see you go. I'll miss you and your precious Miss LFG. xoxo
ReplyDeleteWill I miss you? To quote a wise man, "Does 10 pounds of flour make a big-ass biscuit?" All the best to you and your girl.
ReplyDeleteStop being a drama queen.
ReplyDeleteWe all know you'll be back in a month or two, once you've broken up with your new gf or you miss the attention.
A farewell party...now that sounds like somethin'
ReplyDeleteLBF, you're a smart guy with some good ideas (and some not-so-good ones, too). But can you please stop being so durned condescending? (This from someone who regularly gets berated for his arrogance.)
ReplyDeleteIn other news, say it ain't so, ADG! Well, happy trails, and thank for all the fish, and stuff. I'd say "shut up," but you've said it to yourself.
Onwardsly. In your pimpriffic suede kilties and killer gingham shirts.
Thank you, ADG. This blog quickly made it into the mere handful of my must-reads some time ago, and I shall miss it -- and you and your distinctive voice -- greatly. I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said many times already in this comment thread, but I wanted to be sure you heard if from me, just one of your anonymous site-visitors, too.
ReplyDeleteI will miss reading your blog, a wonderful thing to do on a quiet afternoon. The best of luck and hopefully we'll see you back blogging soon!
Thanks for all the great posts. Come back soon.
ReplyDeleteThis will be like losing a friend. There are only a few blogs that I follow - only a few that are worth the time - where I learn something new - gain a new viewpoint -have the rare opportunity to see what someone else's life is like from the inside. I will miss you. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteI sincerely hope your hiatus is an abbreviated one, as this has been one of my treasured reads since I linked over from AAW. As long as the vultures are picking from your trove of well-used phrasing, I'll have you know that I used "fuzzy dice" in conversation just the other day. All the best.
ReplyDeleteThe day the Music died. . .
ReplyDeleteCome on! Blogging is like a drug. You know that.
ReplyDeleteSo get a grip, tell that woman that you got a lot of friends out here and get back asap.
Who gives a sh*t 'bout that?
ReplyDeleteI'm halfway out the door as well. Although, to be honest, I've always thought of this little thing as a club by us, for us, as a way to discuss our random thoughts and eccentricities in a manner befitting them, fuzziness and all. The outside world may read what you write, but it is most important to you and those who really understand it. Although I do understand how our biologically inherent egos can slowly erode an action's original purpose. But, sometimes all that's needed is some time off to recollect yourself and center your thoughts. Perhaps you'll be back some day. Until then, farewell, all the best to you and LFG.
ReplyDeleteGASP! Don't leave me here alooooneeeee...XXOO
ReplyDeleteYoung Fogey ~ "Condescending"? Hardly. I'm self-deprecating, if anything. I simply like this guy and wish him well...but I know his type all too well.