Friday, February 25, 2011

Apparel Arts 1938

Two more Apparel Arts came my way the other week…ten years without seeing one and now they are falling in my lap.
Ah…the 1938 Boatneck sweater…and one with a substantial waistband and sturdy cuffs. Some things shouldn’t change. Ever. 
And I’d put the Boatneck in that category. They’re scarce as hen’s teeth these days. As a matter of fact I’d have no idea where to find one today…especially a sturdy one unadorned. I think Rugby had one or two over the last several years but most of their stuff is too fuzzy even for me. Shut up.
I’ve written about this Boatneck before. It’s the oldest single piece of clothing I have. Sturdy and enduring and the veteran of unspeakable shenanigans.
My Boatneck and the Kilim Chaise…if they could talk it’d all be over for me. My Boatneck and the Kilim Chaise … the working title for my memoirs maybe?
Not sure what happened to my light yellow one. I was a hit in it twenty years ago.
So here’s to things that shouldn’t change. Including Weejuns. Two eyelet lace ups. With tassels. Fuzzy and rare. You’ll have more success finding a pair of original Wilton made Navy Blue Weejuns than a pair of these.

Onward. From Dallas and just about blogged out.


Main Line Sportsman said...

Rocking the Rolling Rock in that pic....sad that that brew ain't made in latrobe anymore and is not the same....

Silk Regimental said...

Boat neck sweaters look so good - especially with a starched white shirt (or did you say that?)....anyway....

Wish I could have been at some of your parties dude!

Anonymous said...

Those are the prettiest damn shoes I have ever seen.


Sandra said...


CeceliaMc said...

Love the broad chest and shoulders with the nipped waist and hips that a rugby sweater emphasizes on a man.

Carmelo said...

I can ask to you more Apparel arts scan from your collection?
These magazines are greats!

Young Fogey said...

To quote from one of my favorite modern movies (The Fifth Element),

"Aziz, LIGHT!"

Can't hardly see the fuzziness for all the darkness in them shots. Whassamadda you, you get-a Giuseppe to take-a dem shots for you, ah?

(With apologies to Giuseppe, who always tries his best and endures far too much $#!& over his photography.)

ADG said...

Carmelo...yes...I'll post more Apparel Arts books.

YounFogey...I gots a package for you and one day I'll get it in the mail to you. It ticks.

Young Fogey said...

I'll make sure to dip it in napalm (which I always keep on hand, just in case).


carmelo said...

Many thanks ADG!

Your Apparel arts magazine are from ebay?