There’s probably nothing in my shodding lineup that I enjoy more than Belgians. I like everything about these practically impractical oddities only from Gotham.
And I’m a purist, usually looking upon interlopers and poseurs with scorn. Be authentic, be real, be unapologetic and please, have a little swagger when you wear such things.
Like I’ve said before, you gotta let the Belgians know who's boss or they’ll own you. You’ll look like a fraidy-scaredy-cat walking down the street if your little bow-tied babies sense fear.
The ersatz Belgian attempt captured above isn't worth revealing its source. They are sloppy and smarmy looking. Eurotrash and disco come to mind.

I’ve even take great pleasure in leading first timers to Mecca.
And yes, the breaking-in and rubber shrouding process is part of the mystique.
The hard-soled Belgians, leastways to me, always looked a bit too inflexible and they felt that way when I tried them on years ago.
Luca Rubinacci had a few interesting alternatives when I stopped in to see him in London last year. But at several hundred pounds a pair, I decided to leave them right there.
Then I spotted these over at A Suitable Wardrobe. They seemed just interesting enough for me to inquire. And wouldn't you know, Will stocks SouthernRedneckWhiteBoy sizes.
I’ll just say unequivocally that Will has hit a home run with these babies. Colors in black, green and brown suede are just different enough from the Gotham originals to justify me popping for a pair.
I was worried that the supple flimsiness of legacy Belgians would be lost in this leather soled translation. The thin sole on the Willgians offer some stability while allowing the ahhh feeling of barely there slippers to freely preen. Willgians. Yep. That’s what they are.
Nice attention to detail and proportion. An Italian transcription of a Belgian standard. Shut up.
Oh, and my little Yogini LFG almost flipped over them.
Onward. Well shod in Willgians.
Namaste...ADG II
I thought too, that willgians were a nice alternative. The only problem is the shipping+tax+custom thing that makes orders from the USA way more expensive.
By the way, from where are the euro-trash slippers with the too dominating beau .... would like to see them from other perspectives
Greetings from Vienna (not the Virginia one ;)
Ee-gads, man! Do I believe my (bleary) eyes? Must think about this one...
A gazillion years is right! I have heard nary a peep on those brown ostrich lovelies! It's been what, almost 6 months? Should I call them? Or would that bring down the wrath of Les Belges upon my head? And I must say, time has wreathed that evening in a lovely gold circlet.
I really like the blunted point on the Willgians, maybe even prefer it over the pointy-point. Wait, is that a tiny little tattoo on the instep of your right foot?
I drool every time I see the Belgians! Nice collection.
j.mosby...just don't drool on your good clothes, if you are wearing them.
Flo...maybe. Maybe not. might want to ring them up. Keep in mind that ennui is the currency they most deal in so don't expect their pulse to quicken when you burden them with your query.
ReggieDarlingtoid...Close the drapes, sit on the couch and just let it all sink in old sport.
Lacroix...I'll deliver a pair to you if you cover my airfare.
Lacroix, when they are shipped with a nominal value as befits used shoes the savings on duty and VAT more than compensates for the $27 shipping.
Atta girl, LFG!
Let me know when they make a pair in Max-HD camo..then we can talk...
It seems to me that patent leather hard-soled Belgians, with a grosgrain ribbon, could be an acceptable alternative to traditional opera pumps.
If I were ever to actually, you know, wear a tuxedo.
Someday, someday....
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