Yesterday was sublime. End of school year activities are the norm right now including the LFG Recorder Concert at her school. So, I head over to school after lunch-I’m thinking we’ll congregate and watch these little cuties deliver an ear screeching rendition of Rootie Tootie Taxi, Twinkle Twinkle etc. while proud parents ooh and ahh and flash pics. The pic flashing and the oohs and ahhs were de riguer but the playlist-surprising .
Keep in mind that these little folks learn the Recorder as a precursor-a set up for selecting a more advanced instrument next year. I think LFG wants to play the flute. Some of these kids are better at the Recorder than others but in the end, it’s still pretty simple music-pretty basic stuff. Ok, ok…I know that I’m losing you here.

LFG saying a few words, including an apology for her dad dressing like a preppy homeless man.

I don’t remember the few after that. I was still doing the inner chuckle over these little charges swaying back and forth while doing decent homage to Tom Jobim’s classic bossa novasong.

The little clog girls...patiently watching big brother or sister. Love that hair. This little curly would fit right in on Ipanema or Copocabana.

Post concert relief

The Girl from Ipanema has been done by so many artists that it's hard to select just one. However, for your listening and viewing pleasure, I've included Jobim and Sinatra. Sinatra was the bomb. You'll notice a couple of times that he picks tobacco off his lip-he's enjoying a filterless cig during the song. The Stan Getz collaboration is also an inextricable thread that runs through the popularity of bossa nova in the States.
That Frank even attempted Girl from Ipanema is a musical tragedy that borders on farce. It's hysterical and not in a good way.
TGFI was the first song I can recall hearing and thinking "man I love that song".
Damn,its a cliche I know, but they really don't make them like Sinatra anymore. Both child and clothes were outstanding.
I hope that for you sake LFG has not graduated to the saxophone. Dear lord that instrument can honk when played by young 'uns...
She is so adorable! Glad to hear the kids are mixing it up a bit with the recorder selection. I see many of those concerts in my future. And, I'm sure you were the best dressed dad there!
Tintin...yep. But he's still Frank.'s a classic.
LPC...She graduated to the Clarinet which has been almost as "honky-squeaky" as a sax.
JMW...Thanks. It's all fun!
Yay for music teachers like hers!! Great daughter and great outfit from dad. I bet all her little friends just love you! Flute is very chic. :-)
Out of context/off topic, but this won't be wasted on you..........
Specifically, the 16 Feb 10 post.
Did you spot that sweet Greenwich boot in Sunday's NYT "The Moment" feature ?
I know it seems impossible now but sometimes dad provides a lifeline..."Can I go to so-and-so's party" "No." "But why? "Because the parents aren't going to be home." Slam! goes the bedroom door.
But deep-down (not always of course, that would be too easy), she's thankful. She knows the party spelled trouble, was too afraid to say "no" herself and now you've provided the perfect excuse: "My dad won't let me."
I have a drop-dead gorgeous 16 year old granddaughter who just got her driver's license. Green eyes, long dark brown hair and legs that seem to start at her shoulders. I swear my son has aged 10 years overnight.
Can't wait to hear about your little golden-haired girl's "Jack in the Beanstalk" play. Look forward to pictures, even bad pictures. Hang in there, dad.
Gail...that bought tears to my eyes. Thanks. Couldn't have come at a better time. You have no idea. On the other hand-I think that you do.
Sinatra singing Jobim is like Jerry Lewis singing Bob Dylan which you can see here:
LFG is the luckiest girl in the world to have a daddy like you. Never, ever stop being what you are right now. Sorry for the sap, it just hits close to home...on the range..
VogueRanger...thanks! I'm luckier than LFG for certain. Picking her up this afternoon for a week of frolic. Hope all is well with you.
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